24 February 2009


Cheese can help reduce risk of cancer

Our Cheese can help reduce risk of cancer, and indeed all our cheese news can be found on our new site.

Researchers at the National Cancer Institute in America have found that dairy products such as cheese, yoghurt and low fat milk can help reduce the risk of certain cancers - by 23% in women and 16% in men.

The research, which has been ongoing since 1995, showed that both men and women who exceeded their recommended daily intake of calcium were less likely to get cancer inside the digestive system - particularly colorectal cancer (colon or large bowel cancer). American health authorities currently recommend that adults over the age of 50 consume 1200 mg of calcium a day while UK citizens are told that 700mg daily for an adult is sufficient.

Lead author Yikyung Park, Sc.D., of the National Cancer Institute, said: "Dairy food, which is relatively high in potentially anticarcinogenic nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D and conjugated linoleic acid, has been postulated to protect against the development of colorectal and breast cancer.

"In conclusion, our findings suggest that calcium intake consistent with current recommendations is associated with a lower risk of total cancer in women and cancers of the digestive system, especially colorectal cancer, in both men and women."

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